Welcome to My Blog

Here you'll find inspirational tidbits & tips to help guide your journey!

What Are You Avoiding?

Do you spend a large majority of your time arranging your life to avoid having to deal with ANY uncomfortable situations?

You may be doing this unintentionally or you may be thinking, “Yep, that definitely sounds like me.”

Well you’re not alone. Most of us, when we find our trigger buttons, put every possible effort to avoid anything or anyone that might get near enough to push that button. Sounds logical right? Well, the problem is that we’re putting SO much energy into this, that we often don’t have enough energy left to pursue the pure joys in our life. And even if we are enjoying ourselves, we still have our guard up!

5 Ways To Start Building Your Relationship Foundation TODAY!

So you’ve either just got into a relationship or you’ve been in a relationship for a while, and now you’re wondering, “How do we build a POSITIVE and HEALTHY foundation for our relationship to grow?” As a coach passionate about relationships and with my experience helping guide couples through their journey, I’ve outlined a few key and essential steps to help you on the path to building a strong foundation!

How To Figure Out What You Truly Want

In our society, we are constantly being told what to eat, how to look, who to date, what to study, where to work… the list goes on and on. From the moment we’re born straight through to adulthood, we are constantly told what to do and how to be, whether by our parents, our peers, the media etc.

Which leaves many of us lost as to what it is that we want. We might be surprised to find out that we actually don’t know!

So how can we shift that? Let me share some strategies that have worked for me.

The Powerful Shift to Putting Yourself First

How many times have you found yourself in this situation?

– You committed to a night on the town with the hubby, but you are feeling exhausted and tired from a crazy week at work.
– You’re craving sushi, and your friend wants STEAK!
– You have plans for a much needed yoga class and your partner (or that great guy you just started dating) calls and wants to hang.

A lot of times when faced with these types of decision, we are hesitant to respect our own desires and wishes because we’ve been taught that in order to show we care we have to sacrifice ourselves.

Say you make the sacrifice – do you feel joyful, fulfilled and appreciated after the fact?