Couples Build Your Foundation

Online Course
Take your relationship to the next level!


The Mindful Woman

Online Life Coaching
Your journey to you!

I'm Ready!

Get connected with Leanne Marie!

Recent blog posts

How To Figure Out What You Truly Want

In our society, we are constantly being told what to eat, how to look, who to date, what to study, where to work… the list goes on and on. From the moment we’re born straight through to adulthood, we are constantly told what to do and how to be, whether by our parents, our peers, the media etc.

Which leaves many of us lost as to what it is that we want. We might be surprised to find out that we actually don’t know!

So how can we shift that? Let me share some strategies that have worked for me.

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The Powerful Shift to Putting Yourself First

How many times have you found yourself in this situation?

– You committed to a night on the town with the hubby, but you are feeling exhausted and tired from a crazy week at work.
– You’re craving sushi, and your friend wants STEAK!
– You have plans for a much needed yoga class and your partner (or that great guy you just started dating) calls and wants to hang.

A lot of times when faced with these types of decision, we are hesitant to respect our own desires and wishes because we’ve been taught that in order to show we care we have to sacrifice ourselves.

Say you make the sacrifice – do you feel joyful, fulfilled and appreciated after the fact?

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Finding Yourself – What On Earth Does That Even Mean?

People always talking about finding themselves.

I’m no exception. My tagline after all is “Your journey to you.”

And if you’re like many of the people I talk to, you’re probably sitting there thinking, “OK, great sure, I should find myself, but seriously, what the f*** does that even mean??”

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Interested in Personal or Relationship Coaching?

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What's this all about?

Hi, I’m Leanne.  Thanks for stopping by.

This is a space for couples who KNOW that awesome relationships don’t just happen on their own


It’s a space for WOMEN who are in to self-discovery, mindfulness, and growth.

Keep reading if you fit the bill for one or both of those.

If you came by interested in exploring your relationship and deepening the connection with your partner, check out the Build Your Foundation course on the Couples page.

If you came by because your feeling overwhelmed, tired of letting fear and self doubt keep you stuck, and you want to see if life coaching could be your ticket out, read on and check out my one-on-once coaching services.

FREE Stuff

Keep in mind…
Discomfort and challenges are what push our boundaries and lead us to our inner insights.

Through coaching, we use the struggles to dig deeper and get real.  It’s important to understand what’s going on in your brain and then leverage that knowledge to start making shifts up & out.  Start living true to you TODAY!


Personal and relationship coaching offers you...


An Outside Perspective

Getting an objective point of view always helps speed along the process of finding resolutions. When you are consumed by life and emotions it is difficult to find your clarity and purpose.

Tools & Expertise

You will learn how to locate the root of issues, observe your patterns of reaction to triggers, and practice new ways of responding to your emotions. A coach’s work will empower you to understand what’s going on with you or your relationship and how to process and use this information for your greatest benefit.


Personalized Tools

Working with a coach gives you feedback and insight into your particular situation, not just the blanket, cookie cutter advice you might get from books or articles. And if one method doesn’t do it for you, your coach can dip into the toolbox to explore different ideas and approaches to find a better fit.

Meet Your Coach

If coaching is feeling like the right fit for you, let's see if we are a match!

I’ve always had a passion for learning, growing, and studying relationships and the people in them.  Through all of the reading, many workshops, and studying I have done, I have built an arsenal of insights, lessons, strategies and techniques that we can use to help you! I’m here to make things easier on you, get you focused and offer you guidance and direction along the way.

I am fascinated by the brain!!!  I’m loving all of the science that is coming out these days about mindfulness and the brain.  There is a lot of power in knowledge, and I love sharing that with my clients.  Once you know how something works, you get to use that in order to make the changes you want to see!

I’ve been described as enthusiastic, positive, and a great listener.  I do my best to understand exactly what is holding you back and I will challenge you (compassionately) to think outside of the box.  I’m honest and transparent. I am passionate about yoga, meditation, spending time outdoors, traveling the world and generally living life with awareness and excitement.

My own personal development journey guides my coaching. Learn more about me here!

Ready to get started?


If after reading the above you feel like there’s a fit, let’s connect! Check out my coaching options to book a FREE consultation session or just get in touch with me to learn more.


Connect with Leanne